Welcome Spring! The longer days often mean more activities away from our sewing rooms, but here at Quilt Corral the inspiration continues through all seasons! As your schedules fill up remember to save time to stitch a little.
Upcoming Events:
See us there: April 1-2, 2023. We are vending at Sun Country Quilt Guild's quilt show in Red Bluff. Stop by and say hi. Carol will be doing demos during the weekend. Click here for show details.
Quilt Rush Shop Hop: April 20-23, 2023. "I spot a quilter". Click here for participating shops and complete details.
Ten Item Tues: Tune in with Carol for Facebook Live every Tues at 3:00 pm. Ten minutes. Ten items (or more). Check out the weekly list on the home page.
July Retreat: July 20-23, 2023. See important information about this event at the bottom of this newsletter.
Block of the Month: Aunt Sukey's Sampler BOM is sold out! Jaye's Bouquet Embroidery BOM is sold out! Centerpiece Table Topper BOM is sold out! Thank you for your enthusiastic response to our BOM offerings. We will announce additional BOM programs soon.
New Fabrics! Denim Jacket by Wyndham. Did you know blue is the world's favorite color? If you are among the 40% who loves blue then we have the blues for you! Denim Jacket. These prints are tonals in all the shades of denim from brand new indigo jeans to well loved faded favorites. If you've been looking for a collection to make a quilt where subtle color change is required, these prints would work. We have layer cakes, 2 1/2" precut strips, a few charm packs, and several of the coordinates. Click here to see the whole collection. Click here for layer cakes Click here for 2 1/2" precut strips Click here for charm squares
 Bubble Up! Enjoy a splash of tiny colorful bubbles spread diagonally across these bright, sunny prints. They would make interesting backs, or used like we sometimes do with ombres to get lots of color variation from one print. We have several colors in stock. Best seen in person because they are so pretty! Click here to see all Bubble Up options.Get ready to say, "WOW!"

Featured Panel! Snuggle Pillows III - Really Big Cat Friends Feeling like March came in like a lion and went out like a lion? We have a cute new pillow panel featuring Big Cats, including a lion! Sew them right sides together as instructed or applique fronts and backs to Cuddle Cloth (aka minkee) for a big, cozy snuggle pillow. Perfect for a toddler's imaginary play. Click here for the panel.

New Kits! Last month we featured the new collection Beachy Keen. Kits are now available! Click here for Beachy Keen quilt kit. Click here to see the entire collection.

Good Vibes Quilt Kit Summer is just around the corner! Make a bright, cheerful quilt for your porch bench or to throw over your arm chair. Carol's creation of the Good Vibe's Quilt hits all the marks - bright, cheerful, with inspirational words. Finishes approx 54" x 60". Click here for the kit. Click here for a close up of the prints and to shop all the Good Vibes fabrics (get your backing now while it's still in stock!)

Get your Quilt Rush Insulated Cup now! Is it your goal to drink more water? We can help! The special keepsake item for the 2023 Quilt Rush is an insulated metal cup. 28 oz. Keeps your beverage cold all day (or hot if that's what you need!) Enjoy it as is, in crisp white with the Quilt Rush logo or personalize it with stickers! Click here for the cup. (If you are doing Quilt Rush you can select In Store Pick up and we will have it ready for you). Limited quantities in each shop. AND! We have a large display of stickers to choose from (in-store).

Focus on handwork Succulents Wall Quilt Kit We love these woolfelt kits from Rachel Pellman because they include everything you need to complete the small wallhanging. We are featuring Succulents to help us feel like summer will be here eventually. Click here for Succulents.

New Notions! Sweet 'n Sharp Macaroon needle sharpener. Did anyone ever tell you that running a needle through your hair will sharpen it? The Sweet 'n sharp Macaroon is a much safer, and cuter way to sharpen needles! Just poke the needle in and out a few times to remove tarnish and sharpen the point. One side is magnetic for resting a needle on. And you won't believe how cute it is! Just 1 3/8" across - the quarter is for scale in the image below. Sort of small for a macaroon to eat it but perfectly sized for your sewing basket. Get it in pistachio (aqua - Carol's pick) or raspberry (soft pink - Barb's pick). Click here for both colors.
See how little it is?!!

Magic Premium Quilting and Crafting Spray A new to us spray starch in several sizes. Starch is starch, right? Nope. Not when it comes to Magic Premium Quilting and Crafting Spray. If you have stubborn creases in fabric that has been stored awhile, you won't believe the power of this stuff! Creases be gone! Click here to shop for all versions of this magic spray!
Focus on Accuquilt In a recent survey Accuquilt users say the #1 reason they love their Accuquilt is accuracy. If you've been thinking about taking the plunge schedule a one on one demo with Carol. She will walk you through everything Accuquilt. Featured product: Ready Set Go! Accuquilt's best value. Includes the crank style cutting machine, the 8" Go! Qube, and the best selling 2" finished size strip die bundled together in one box. Click here to get yours!
 New pattern! Tiny Town Here's the thing, so many of you got the tiny tree template set during our year long bash, that now we feel like we should show you everything else you can do with it - such as this Tiny Town! Uses the original Tiny Tree template set. Click here for the Tiny Town pattern. Click here for the Tiny Tree template set.

Back in Stock! Batting!! We were running low for awhile but are now fully stocked with batting in all your favorite sizes.
Do you save all the end strips of batting that the longarm quilter trims away? Barb is a huge fan of Marti Michell's batting tape for fusing those strips together to make a whole new batting. Bump two pieces of batting up next to each other with no overlap. Fuse the batting tape over the area where the two pieces come together. Thrifty! Click here for batting tape.

Veteran's Quilt Project Congratulations to the Willows VFW post 1770 Auxillary's Veteran of the Month for March: Alex Moorehouse, a US Marine veteran. When I asked Alex's mother, Carmen, if we could share this picture in our newsletter she said, "Yes and be sure to say his mom loves the quilt as much as he does!" The quilt was donated by our very own Gail Drake.

Thank you to all the March retreat attendees who took a break from their own projects to make a block for our Veteran's Quilt Project. We are grateful for your help! If you'd like to sew a block or two ask for a precut kit next time you're in the shop.

Glenn County Fair - Open Class entries May 18-21, 2023. Entries are open to all adult and youth residents of Glenn County. Consider entering your quilt in the fair! You can choose to have your quilt judged or just have it displayed. Visit the Glenn County Fair website for more info. Good luck with your entries!
2023 Retreats! We've waited as long as possible, but due to risings costs on all aspects of the retreat we must increase our price. The new rate effective with the July retreat will be $250.
Also, although it's awkward for us to do this, we periodically need to review a few rules. Please read and follow these registration guidelines. -We do not save spots or accept reservations in advance. -We do not carry canceled reservations over to the next retreat. In the year of the pandemic we offered that option but not since resuming regular operations. -When registration opens there will be a live link on the home page of our website. -If registering by a check in the mail please call the shop to make sure registration is indeed open and to confirm that all spaces have not filled. When in doubt call first. -When registering online, select deposit or pay in full. Do not select balance due. If you are having trouble registering, call the shop. If we are sold out we will put you on a wait list. -If you are coming with a group, please indicate who is in your group either on the registration form or in the comments when you check out online.This helps us with seating. Don't assume we know who you want to sit with! -Advance registration is limited to previous attendees. If we receive registrations (by mail or online) from newcomers prior to the opening of general registration they will be held in the order received and applied once general registration opens. -If you must cancel, let us know as soon as possible. We usually have a wait list and can fill your spot. Do not sell your spot to a friend without checking with us first. - Your cooperation will help us keep advance registration an option.
July Retreat: July 20-23, 2023 Registration opens for previous attendees on Jun 1. General registration opens for newcomers on Jun 3.
September retreat dates: Sep 21-24, 2023
Spring into sewing!
Carol and Barb
Upcoming events: Quilt Rush April 20-23, 2023 July retreat July 20-23, 2023 If you've missed any of our previous emails or just want to check a past email for something specific you can view them here in the newsletter archives.
Monday - Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM. For needs outside of these hours please contact us via the contact page on our website, or via FaceBook, or by calling the shop. 530-934-8116