Boy Howdy! Quilt Corral is a happening place to be! We have so much to tell you! Read on!
Cuddle Cloth has arrived! Last week we got a huge shipment of Cuddle Cloth (aka Minky) in solids, prints and glitter. We have it in 60" and 90" widths in many colors. Shop now while the selection is good. We continue to be amazed at how quickly this product sells out! Click the image to shop.

AccuQuilt New Die! The Mariner's Compass die is now available for retailers. Initially released in limited quantities to test the market, this die has now been added to Accuquilt's regular inventory. We have a few on order so call the shop to reserve one! Makes a 12" block.
 Upcoming Events: Next Facebook Live: Friday April 2, 2021 at 630 pm.
Date change!! Virtual Shop Hop: April 26-29, 2021 5:30 - 6:30pm each night.
Returning! Quilt Rush: May 12-16, 2021.
Registration now open! Accuquilt Event: May 22, 2021.
Virtual Shop Hop! Note the date change!! We've joined forces with neighboring shops to bring you a fun virtual shop hop event via Facebook Live! Join a different shop each night for four nights, collect a clue for a mystery quilt, enjoy the fun of spending time with each shop owner and seeing what's new and exciting at their shops. Participating shops, and the date they will be live at 5:30 PM are: Mon, April 26th - Villa Rosa Tues, April 27th - Quilt Corral (that's us!) Weds, April 28th - Swifty Stitches Thurs, April 29th- Pieced with Love
Passport to GO! An Accuquilt Event! Saturday, May 22, 2021. Get your Passport to GO!! It's a Quilt Corral Exclusive!
 Are you itching to go! Maybe you won't be taking a cruise right away or travel long distances just yet, but you might be willing to come to Willows where will are hosting our very own Accuquilt event.
The room will be set up in physically distanced stations. Participants sign up for a two hour time slot where they will rotate through the stations and use our machines and dies to completely cut out a fun sampler quilt! The 48" x 48" quilt, designed by Barb, features Blocks on Board, strip dies, Qubes and applique dies. Learn to use all of them with hands-on cutting. Both Barb and Carol will be there to help you get the most out of the experience. Each station will include a display board with step by step instructions and an exhibit of quilts made with the die featured at that particular station. There will also be a minis show of quilts made with Accuquilt. We expect you to leave feeling more confident with the cutting system, inspired by the displays, and with a quilt completely cut out and ready to sew!
Who should come? *Those curious about Accuquilt but want to try before they buy. *Those who bought the machine and haven't taken it out of the box yet! *New Accuquilt users who want a little help learning the system. *Accuquilt users who love the idea of going home with a quilt cut out! *Those who are eager to see and do something different from what you've done for the past year.
The two hour time slots allow 12 participants at a time (two per cutting station). Date: May 22, 2021 Time slots: choose 9-11, 11-1, 1-3 or 3-5 Location: First United Methodist Church, 544 N Shasta St, Willows, CA 95988 (It's one block from Quilt Corral) Cost: $48 - Includes the fabric kit for the 48" x 48" quilt! Registration is now open! Click here to register. If signing up with a friend be sure to choose the same time slot.
New and continuing Block of the Month programs Summer Kitchen
 We are finally ready to start Crabapple Hill's Summer Kitchen embroidery Block of the Month. The completed sample is now hanging at the shop. Check out the lovely shaded coloring by Carol and Barb's embroidery. Click here to sign up. This BOM is limited to only 7 participants. Starts April 1.
NEW!Dishtowel of the Month
 For all our embroidery fans out there - we are putting together a special program! We're starting with our big, practical 28" x 28" cotton feed sack dishtowels, then we're adding a Bird Brain embroidery pattern and enough floss to complete a seasonal embroidered dishtowel each month for 12 months. You'll be on your own if you want to add trim to the towel. $14.99/month for 12 months. Starts June 1, 2021. Sign up here.
Wool Frame of the Month

 Bonnie Sullivan has designed a series of woolwork pictures to stitch and frame. The thing that makes these designs so special is the background fabric included with the pattern - it's no ordinary fabric! It's printed with some of the design elements and all of the embroidery lines! We've added the wool. Use your own embroidery floss to complete the 8 1/2" x 10" picture. Frame them all or buy one frame and change out the picture each month. Barb, our resident embroiderer and woolwork stitcher, is in love with these kits! Limited to 10 participants. $17.99/month for 12 months. Starting May 1. Sign up here.
Would you like to try before you commit to a whole year? We have a stand alone project (not part of the Block of the Month program) featuring a sampler. It has the same great printed background fabric and includes all the wool. Add your own floss. Shop here for the sampler kit. $17.99 add your own floss.

Aurifil Thread Clubs Join one or both of our thread of the month clubs! Choose: One spool (bright colors, no neutrals) 50 wt 100% cotton. $13.99/m for 12 months. OR Three spools (endangered species collections, includes colors and neutrals) 40 wt 100% cotton. $39.99/month for 12 months. Sign up here. When you sign up for either club you will receive a thread box and a free pattern. If signing up for the three spool club you will also receive the link to download a paper piecing animal pattern and the digital file for a machine embroidery animal design.
Pillow of the Month We still have one spot remaining. It's the only one left and we will not get more so if you want it, go here, right now and sign up.
FaceBook Live continues! Join Carol on Friday nights where she introduces new products, announces events, and features a selection of items twice a month Live! via Facebook. If you see an item you'd like, comment sold along with the item number. Tell us if you will pick up or want your item shipped. We will invoice you after the event. It's fast and fun, usually lasting under an hour. Typically held on the first and third Fridays of the month, here are upcoming dates: April 2 and 16 (plus the special event on April 27th).
FaceBook Live and Comment Sold We have decided to give CommentSold a try. If you follow other shop's FaceBook live events you may already be familiar with CommentSold. It is an accounting program that automatically tracks the orders and bills you directly. We aren't trying to put Barb out of a job invoicing you but we think it will streamline things for both of us and you, and best of all if an item sells out the CommentSoldprogram will automatically wait list you if the item is re-orderable. You must register in advance for CommentSold.
Quilt Rush 2021, It's a Blooming Rush We are pleased to announce that the Quilt Rush shop hop experience will be back this spring! The dates are: May 12-16, 2021 (this is one month later than usual.) Put it on your calendar and make a date with your favorite shop hop buddy! Collect 1/6th yard floral prints and a free pattern at each of the 9 participating shops. Visit all shops to enter to win a gorgeous custom painted Featherweight sewing machine. The Quilt Rush website has been updated with the participating shops, dates, hours and prizes.
Accuquilt Sew Along continues! Our sew along friends are making some pretty amazing quilts! To learn more about this program click here. then scroll down until you see the Sew Along. It's never too late to join the fun.
Featured Panels Back of the Chute and Out of Money We have the panels, the fabric collection, kits and patterns. Click here to shop for panels and fabric. Click here to shop for the kit and here for the pattern.

New items! Get-A-Grip Foot Pedal Pad
 We have it in three sizes! The little square keeps a smaller foot pedal from sliding. The medium is perfect under your Featherweight or small portable machine to absorb the bounce, or for larger foot pedals. The large fits under a standard machine. Shop here. Barb has used the small size for years as a lap board when sewing in the car. It keeps things from sliding off and getting lost under the seat when her husband makes a fast turn or sudden stop. Check out a short video of Carol using this grip pad under her Featherweight. Click here.
Seeds of Glory by Riley Blake In stock now in 10" precut squares, Fat Quarter Packs, and yardage. Stay tuned for projects coming soon with this collection! Click here to shop Seeds of Glory fabrics.

That's all folks!
If you've missed any of our previous emails or just want to check a past email for something specific you can view them here in the newsletter archives.
Stitch on! Carol and Barb
Next FaceBook Live! April 2, 2021, 6:30 - 7:30 PM Virtual Shop Hop: April 26-30, 2021 5:30 - 6:30 PM Quilt Rush: May 12 - 16, 2021 9AM - 5PM (Sunday 10-4) Passport to GO!: May 22 (all day, choose a two hour time slot)
Hours: Monday - Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM. For needs outside of these hours please contact us via the contact page on our website, or via FaceBook, or by calling the shop. 530-934-8116