Quilt Corral will be closed Dec. 24th-26th
December Special - Inventory Reduction Sale
Empty a Bolt of Fabric and get 35% off GREAT FOR BACKINGS
Bring your bag in the month of December and receive a Christmas gift....plus use your bag punch free!
Check Us out on Facebook and www.thequiltcorral.net We are just getting our website up and running so visit often!
New Items from Market
  Use these Dresden rulers to make some great projects!
    The new Clover Wedge Iron is a dandy little iron! It would make a great Christmas present!
 Here are a few of the many fun patterns we found at Quilt Market!
Just in! Chenille It! We have so many creative ideas for ways to use this product!
New fabrics arriving weekly! McAnderson's Farm just in!
     Desert Bloom from Moda
Starting in January
Porch Pillow of the Month
 $32.99 a month Price includes: Pattern Laser cut appliques Fabric to complete the pillow 16" X 36"
Pillow forms are in stock now. Buy one and change the cover every month!
Sign Up today! Call the Shop at (530) 934-8116 Pay for your first month to secure your spot! Starts January 1st

Join the club and learn more about Marti Michell's Perfect Patchwork Templates and ways to improve your piecing skills in this fun filled club.
Each lesson features a Marti Michell template set or ruler, a special project, and a pattern booklet with several additional projects for the featured tool.

Items are offered separately so members may choose their level of participation each month.
Projects include table runners, wall hangings, lap quilts, tote bags and more.
The lecture/demo style lesson means you don't need to bring your machine. (Periodic sew days to work on the projects will be offered.)
Club members enjoy 50% off the featured pattern (regularly $8, club members pay $4) plus 20% off Marti Michell products on club day. Show and tell and door prizes at each club meeting!
Enrollment fee: $30 per member for the first series of 6 lessons (templates, kits and patterns sold separately.) Sorry, no pro-rating or discounts on club fee.
Club meets the second Tues of the month.
Classes Introduction to Apparel January 13th 10 am -3 pm $25 In this class the basics of sewing apparel will be covered, including basic fitting adjustments, pattern cutting and styling options (we have a great sample of a few items at the shop)
Painted Porch Blocks
  Adorn your porch, house, office or sewing room $45 includes all supplies January 11th 11 am- 2 pm or January 21st 11 am-2 pm Must sign up and pay ahead of time so I can have the supplies there. Limit 5 people.
More classes added soon... check out the website www.thequiltcorral.net
Block of the Month
Saturday Sampler
Our Black and White plus Brights continues into 2017! Thank you to all who have picked up their monthly kits. This will continue on every 1st Saturday of the Month!!
Waddington Road
 Waddington Road Sampler starts Feb 2017. This is Barb's new BOM- we are expecting the fabric to arrive in Jan. Make a 90" x 90" medallion style quilt. The pattern includes an acrylic ruler, two center block options, and instructions for regular rotary cutting or Marti Michell templates - or use a combination of both! $23.99/month for 10 months Now taking sign ups!
Vintage Sampler concludes this month. We have just confirmed that the fabric is still available so if you want matching fabric for the back of your quilt let us know and we'll order it!

If you missed out on the Vintage Sampler BOM we have one full kit still in stock! The pattern is available in the store for $36.00 We also have a limited number of the precut applique kits for $20.
Scrapbook Grammie is coming to Quilt Corral!! January 14th 10 am-5pm Free Demos
   Make and Take (call to reserve your kit)
2017 has just started...check out the Planners. Let's be organized and creative for 2017
We hope to see you soon and often!! Barb & Carol